University College, Oxford, UK
University of Hong Kong
Medical Ethics and Law curriculum: Research Ethics;
AI, Big Data, and Precision Medicine;
Informed Consent and Confidentiality;
Ethical Frameworks and Decision Making
Medical Humanities curriculum: Forgiveness and Clinical Life
Love, Morality, and the Meaning of Human Relationships
A Life Worth Living (primary teacher)
University of the Fraser Valley
History of Analytic Philosophy
20th Century Continental Philosophy
Reasoning: Introduction to Critical Thinking
University of Oxford
Key Concepts in Moral Psychology
Values and Public Policy: Political Philosophy in Practice (tutor)
Ethics paper (tutor)
Aristotle paper (tutor)
Kant paper (tutor)
University of British Columbia (Faculty of Medicine)
Doctor, Patient, and Society (tutor)
Trinity Western University
Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason
Contemporary Ethical Issues
Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to Logic
Critical Thinking
University of Ottawa
Philosophical Issues in Healthcare (teaching assistant)
Bioethics (teaching assistant)
Business Ethics (teaching assistant)
*Primary teacher with complete oversight over syllabus and course content except where
role is specified in parentheses